Do you have an amazing website, but no time to keep it amazing?

We know that running your business or organization takes a lot of time, and Googling how to to make a website font bold or resize a picture probably isn’t the highlight of your day.

Good news! We like to hang around and make sure your website stays fresh (even if someone else built it) on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. Every business is different, so each maintenance plan is unique. Whether you’d like us to be available for an hour or two of updating images and text, set up a monthly call to discuss updates and execute them, or just be on-call to answer questions, we work out a plan and schedule that fits your needs and your budget.

Having DigitaLemonade on call for regular maintenance means you’re paying 25% less for the work we do for you, and it means we set aside time for your website even when we’re busy. Plus, it makes us feel like we’re part of your team – and those are warm fuzzy feelings we wouldn’t trade for anything.  Get in touch if you think we might be able to help simplify your job by taking the website tasks off your plate!

Flexible pricing starts at $100/month.
“Working with Lindsay and Alexis at DigitaLemonade is a dream. I can’t tell you how many times they have whipped up a graphic for me, churned out a report of analytics, or utilized their technologically advanced minds to suggest game-changing tweaks to my website. They are smart, efficient women who are more than my website gurus — they are family. I trust them with all my program passwords and I would be happy to donate a kidney if either of them needed it.”

– Lincee Ray, I Hate Green Beans

Want more? We also…

  • give your site a place to live with our hosting plans
  • create & set-up your unique company email address (i.e.
  • maximize your reach with monthly Facebook posts, blog posts, or email blasts

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